What SRE could be

Today, I believe we cannot successfully answer several key questions about SRE. Let's start with the most important one: how can we understand what reliability customers want and need?…

The Curse of Systems Thinkers (Part 1)

Somewhere between 15 and 20 years ago, I worked for a company. It was a very prestigious company, and it was a glorious and frustrating time. The company did amazing things. Literally unbelievable achievements - from my point of view anyway. But this was coupled with levels of chaos that…

SRE Practitioner Interview Series

A quick moment for some self-promotion - I very much enjoyed this conversation with Suresh GP.  The brief being pretty broad, I had an unusual amount of time to go into details, which I always appreciate. This helped me to deal with my imposter syndrome about being interviewed under the…

What SRE is not

We used to have a difficulty in our community - thankfully less prevalent now - with rootless questions of identity. Of course, it's not wrong to ask who we are, what we're here for, and what should we be doing: every profession benefits from regular reflection.…